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How to get a place formally recognized in Prince Edward Island?

Check to see that it is not already listed on the PEI Register of Historic Places : www.peihistoricplaces.ca or the Canadian Register of Historic Places, by searching: www.historicplaces.ca. Call the heritage officer to confirm at (902) 368-5940.

If it hasn't been recognized, you must contact the appropriate level of government. If the place is in Charlottetown, call (902) 629-4158. If it is in Summerside, call (902) 432-1332.

All other heritage places in PEI are recognized by the province under the Heritage Places Protection Act. For an application form and instructions, you should e-mail the Department of Tourism and Culture at: heritageplaces@gov.pe.ca or call (902) 368-5940. Further information is found in the Provincial Heritage Places Recognition Program - A guide for heritage property owners.

The provincial Heritage Places Protection Act has two recognition types: a Registered Heritage Place and a Designated Heritage Place. Registered places are honorific, while Designated places have legal protection and are eligible for a blue plaque and financial aid.

In Charlottetown, a heritage property is recognized under the municipal bylaw as a Heritage Resource and is protected. In Summerside, the city's bylaw allows for a place to be recognized as a Designated Heritage Property (protected) or as a Registered Historic Place (not protected).

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